2005年3月25日 星期五

愛無止盡, 對一隻狗

朋友新養了一隻狗 - 熱情洋溢的米格魯,
照顧過程中, 她發現, 愛一隻狗, 越放越深, 不斷付出, 不求回報的感覺,
在從前的愛情裡, 從來沒有過.

我想, 朋友不是自私, 不願對愛人付出,
而是小狗的忠誠, 與人類的善變, 該如何相比?
說到底, 為情傷過心的人, 沒有一個想再重蹈覆轍,
只是拿出勇氣, 期盼下一次會長久,
而過程中, 依彼此關係中的角力, 小心謹慎的決定多愛一點, 少放一些.

費玉清傷感到足不出戶, 而布萊德彼特卻老早劈出了腿,
因為人與動物的關係裡, 沒有無奈的變了, 涼透心的背叛,
除了偶爾被咬兩下的氣憤外 (貓主人的義務), 滿滿的是放心, 是相依陪伴,
Until death tear them apart...

然後, 一邊掛著眼淚傷心,

2005年3月14日 星期一

An Unique Musical Voice

Norah Jones Concert
Xin-Juang Stadium, Taipei County

This is my first concert with seat arrangement but for 1.5 or so hours, never get to enjoy it. Lots of waitups and running around fetching different friends.

But I did listen to Norah's unique voice with my heart. And the latter was touched.

Have to say that I don't understand jazz music very much so couldn't appreciate the bass solo better. Loved the drum, inspiring indeed.

One thing worth mention. One of the local medias, ET Today interviewed me on the feedback for the concert, so I was a star for 2 minutes! Sorry Norah and the band, that I complained about the equipment in front of the camera. But that's from a friend who spoke with my mouth. Honestly I loved the music you brought us. You're adorable, true and the music was fantastic! Thanks for the enjoyable night!!

My ears look forward to more beautiful music from you...

2005年3月13日 星期日

Sideways, to take or not?(電影尋找心方向)

Film Name: Sideways (Oct 2004) Official Website
My Premier Date: Wed, 09 March 2005

As a person who do not understand wine but wish to know more, this film is informative and fun. But of course that's not all.Beyond the wine drinking journey, the film tells real life stories.

Two long-time friends, men of opposite personalities, one just wanna have fun, the other hit by reality and stares the world with a pair of blue eyes.Two girls whose lives are connect to grape vine. One wild, one spiritual.

Life of a bottle of wine, life of a human being, both transform, ripe then fade. In between, is it necessarily a straight line? I'd rather take sideways. Why? Why not be more adventurous so there's more flavours in life no matter bitter or sweet?

Enjoy Life!

Believing in the Imagined World(電影大智若愚)

Film Name: Big Fish (10 Dec 2003) Official website
My Premier: Early 2004

Another great hit by one of my favourite actors, Ewan McGregor. Modern people are so used to face the world with doubts and disbelieves. But sometimes, things are simple, just as they look like, just as what the dad in the film told his son.

I want to believe more, doubt less, in this film and in my life.

2005年3月12日 星期六

Congrats to Myself!

Thanks to Locus Publishing and its White Teeth review competition so that I finally found a space where I would like to do some writings.

Also, thanks to myself too for cutting my laziness and taking actions!

Congratulations! This must be a good start!